Thursday, July 23, 2015

Your Nail Says It All

In the world of fashion, dresses and outfits of stunning celebrities and Hollywood stars are the ones that are usually featured in magazines when they show off during the red carpet premiers.

 But imagine a celebrity whose nails are very dirty, dry and lifeless, wouldn’t that be a disaster for the whole look? That celebrity may be wearing the most expensive attire from a world renowned designer but with its nail it wouldn’t give a much more attitude.
Our nails may be one of the little parts of our body however dealing with it is likewise vital generally as dealing with our skin and different parts of our body. A very much trimmed and cleaned nail can likewise characterize what sort of individual you are. Your nail says it all. Yet, wouldn't it be more fun and agreeable simply taking a gander at your nails? Seeing it not just simply clean and trimmed, it with be additionally energizing and more appealing to paint it and do some nail expressions!

Nail arts may be considered a fashion. It’s not only the dresses from famous fashion designers are trending nowadays but also nail arts. A simple nail color can already give life to those boring nails. A nail gives a person an attitude, it also define beauty and glamour. From simple velvet red nail polish that gives an attitude of sexy and fierce to a nude color nail polish gives an attitude of balance. They define of what look you are into.

There are several designs that you could enjoy in and you can do it yourself. The materials you need may not need to be expensive and other tools may not be necessary for you to have. For as long as you are wild with your imagination then you definitely will create a design that will define who you want to be. An essential thing that you should have in making your own nail art is a base coat, which helps prevent nail discoloration and allows your nail polish to glide on smoothly. Nail polish, it would be much better if you have a number of colors so as you could mix and match later on as your creativity starts. And lastly, a top coat this will ensure that your manicure will lasts for more than a day and also gives a finishing touch on your nail art. Investing in much more expensive nail polish is worth it because they last longer than the cheap ones.
Other tools that are needed are nail dotters but if you don’t have one you can use a hair pin. Nail stripper which has thinner brushes compared to the usual broad brush. With the use of nail stripper you could create lines or stripes. Stationary tapes are also essential in do it yourself Nail Art. With the use of stationary tapes they help you achieve geometric shapes. A nail art brush may be optional. Beads and crystals can add glamour to the look that you want to achieve.
With these tools you can create a look that is exciting and fun to do. For sure you’ll love doing it. Just use your wildest imagination and you can create a nail art that is unique and a nail art that you would be proud of. Don’t be afraid to mix and match colors and with its outcome you would never know, you may end up as a famous nail art designer. Be bold, imaginative and unique!

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