Thursday, July 23, 2015

How to have beautiful nails

Hands and nails are more parts to do the most work. We constantly have to move - even when you're sitting still, plus these chemicals makes your nails worse quickly. Whether or not they can negatively impact your appearance.
Thankfully, you do not need an appointment for a weekly manicure or even a new nail polish called them the best care. All you have to do is spend a few minutes to read these dos and don'ts during manicures, remember and apply them with your fingernail Light:

1. Cut your nails straight cuts with "Always cut your nails with a straight cut,"

 said Robyn Gmyrek, nail care professionals of America said. Because when you cut your nails on a curve or sharp angle will weaken the nail structure, which makes it prone to breaking and splitting. You should also cut fingernails, toenails after bathing. Since this time, the nail will be softer and less likely to fracture, scratches or other damage.

2. Do not cut cuticles around your nails cut cuticle around nails

nail can make the nails look neat in a few days, but the skin does not grow back on a regular basis and will Early phenomena appear redness, scratch shoots checkered makes the skin around the nail is damaged. Besides, cutting the cuticle can pave the way for a number of infections and makes the epidermis of your skin looks unsightly and even painful. A better solution if you want to remove the excess cuticle around fingers or toes: soak your fingers in warm water and gently push the cuticles excess off your hands with a soft towel.

3. Do not wash or cut the nails too fast

Overzealous wash or cut makes nails look as if they gnaw. You can keep your nails short, but still needs a little foundation on top. With this length, we will not interfere in the daily activities and do not affect your skin or hair, but your nails will look more beautiful.

4. Is your nail polish should be noted You do not tolerate drying time of nail polish to obtain a shiny nails. Instead, you can use a cotton wash presses. Firstly, it will gently smoothes rough nail areas. Then polished until you see nails, her toenails had the ball up. You should only nail polish once a week, because the polishing can thin your nails. This is not good

5. Do not use regular lotion This advice may sound paradoxical, but some mild lotions that contain alcohol, which can dry out the nail and cuticle around nails, making them look ragged and smudgy. You should take care of oil to cuticles because oil will make nail plump and wrinkled skin around it. Apply oil to your nails in the morning and in the evening before bedtime. Massage it gently to have the most beautiful nails.

6. You should wear gloves when doing housework hygiene Detergents and chemicals can make nails brittle and dry. The nails soaked for too much can also cause nails soft and prone to fracture or break. Wear gloves when doing housework not only protects the nails, but also helps to keep your hands from being damaged by harsh chemicals.

7. Do not polish your nails immediately after use acetone

If you paint your nails to attend a special occasion dinner, and then, remove it with acetone nail polish once started peeling. You should not nail polish immediately after use acetone for nail is weak at the moment. Doing so can eliminate the natural shade of nail surface. Let the next day with your nail polish ..

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