Thursday, July 23, 2015

How to take care of your nails during summer

Taking care of your nails in summer is very important

1. During summer, hands and feet often turn a shade darker because most women do not apply sunscreen to them.

 If you have tanned hands, lighten them by soaking them in a small tub of warm water with a tablespoon of lemon juice. Keep your hands immersed in the solution for ten minutes, remove and pat dry. You will soon see that tan receeding.

2. To avoid nails becoming discoloured by strong nail varnish pigments, always apply a base and top coat. 

This way, the polish will also last more than a week.

3. Consult a qualified nail technician before investing in nail files.

 The rule of the thumb is, the higher the grids, the more finely the nails get buffed. Lower grid nail filers are used to buff artificial nails.

4. Always sterilise your nail tools before and after use. Use disinfectants liberally and invest in a good hand sanitiser.
Tips on diet

Diet is also an important factor that contributes in getting beautiful nails. If you want to get well maintained nails, you must consume fresh fruits and vegetables along with ample water. You must also consume variety of healthy food such as vitamin E, vitamin C, lemon etc along with enough calcium through milk. You can also try out the carrot juice as it is rich in phosphorous as well as calcium which help in strengthening your nails. Carrot can also be consumed directly in the raw form in salads.

Tips on habits

You must also have some alteration of your habit in order to get your nails in a perfect condition. Just after taking bath or washing your hands, it will be important to use hand wash of soap of a good quality. Harming the cuticles is due to extreme dryness. You must apply cream or oil in your cuticles to keep them healthy. You should your trim your nails just before going to shower as the nails becomes soft once it touches water and becomes a reason to breakage. If you want to stop discoloration of your nails it will be better not to smoke tobacco.

Protection of nails

If you want to want to protect your nail in an easy and effective way, wearing nail polish will be the best solution. A common habit seen in every woman is peeling of the nail polish while cutting the edges of nails. Even if you do this, you must wear it once again after cutting your nails. Wear the nail paint of a good quality from a reputed brand so that your nails do not get discolored. Even from the harsh wind blows, your nails can be protected. As soon as the layer gets out, nail also gets dented.

Whenever you wash your hand keep applying any cream or lotions to your hand. The hands and nails tends to get dried out from soaps and cleansers. Always try to keep yours cuticles and hands lubricated with moisturizers such as Vaseline, moisturel… etc.. and at the bed time use oils or moistures to your nails.

To remove the stains under your nails scrub under the nails with the help of toothbrush or nail brush with soap or bleach solution.

The condition of finger nails also reflects the health condition of an individual. You can now speak to the trained health professionals and get the details. If you can have healthy nails those can be smooth without any ridges and marks. Even the color will be white. If you don’t have such nails in your hands and legs, this is the time to take care of it and get a shinny and beautiful nails. You can also carry on with the process of manicure once in a week in order to get a beautiful and well shaped nails for a long time.

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