Thursday, July 23, 2015

Steps for Natural Healthy Nails

Steps for Natural Healthy Nails

The following steps will help you return to healthy nails after artificial nail removal:

·         Weekly manicures:

 Weekly manicures, although an additional expense, will help stimulate the circulation of the nail bed, promoting its growth. If you would rather opt for an at-home manicure, simply fill a bowl with warm water, and allow fingers and cuticles to soak for at least 10 minutes per hand. Follow nail bath with a stimulating massage on each hand.
·         Cuticle oil: Cuticle oil, such as vitamin E or olive oil, should be applied during the massage. The essential vitamins found in these natural oils will help promote healthy nail growth.
  • Trim nails: As nails start to develop, keep them trimmed. Try not to be in a rush to let your regular nail pick up length; rather, make general nail wellbeing and thickness your objective. A dainty, harmed nail that becomes rapidly scarcely stands a chance at making due for long. As opposed to manage frustration, comprehend nails may should be kept brief time the body reconstructs the harmed tissue.
·         Apply strengthening products: Many nail care base coats have strengthening and stimulating properties. Find a base coat that will help strengthen the nail bed and apply the product every three days if needed.
·         Ridge fillers: Ridge fillers work wonders for covering up the unsightly torn and jagged ridges that may remain on the nail bed after artificial nail removal.

  • Avoid color: Despite the fact that you can in any case paint your nails as craved, the less presentation to chemicals the better for your nails as they revamp their quality. On the off chance that you must wear nail shine, have a go at substituting one week one, one week off.
  • Treat any infection: Acrylic nails that turn out to be marginally isolated from the nail bed can turn into a reproducing ground. If your nails have become thick or discolored, or if you experience redness or pain, see your doctor immediately for treatment.

How to take care of your nails during summer

Taking care of your nails in summer is very important

1. During summer, hands and feet often turn a shade darker because most women do not apply sunscreen to them.

 If you have tanned hands, lighten them by soaking them in a small tub of warm water with a tablespoon of lemon juice. Keep your hands immersed in the solution for ten minutes, remove and pat dry. You will soon see that tan receeding.

2. To avoid nails becoming discoloured by strong nail varnish pigments, always apply a base and top coat. 

This way, the polish will also last more than a week.

3. Consult a qualified nail technician before investing in nail files.

 The rule of the thumb is, the higher the grids, the more finely the nails get buffed. Lower grid nail filers are used to buff artificial nails.

4. Always sterilise your nail tools before and after use. Use disinfectants liberally and invest in a good hand sanitiser.
Tips on diet

Diet is also an important factor that contributes in getting beautiful nails. If you want to get well maintained nails, you must consume fresh fruits and vegetables along with ample water. You must also consume variety of healthy food such as vitamin E, vitamin C, lemon etc along with enough calcium through milk. You can also try out the carrot juice as it is rich in phosphorous as well as calcium which help in strengthening your nails. Carrot can also be consumed directly in the raw form in salads.

Tips on habits

You must also have some alteration of your habit in order to get your nails in a perfect condition. Just after taking bath or washing your hands, it will be important to use hand wash of soap of a good quality. Harming the cuticles is due to extreme dryness. You must apply cream or oil in your cuticles to keep them healthy. You should your trim your nails just before going to shower as the nails becomes soft once it touches water and becomes a reason to breakage. If you want to stop discoloration of your nails it will be better not to smoke tobacco.

Protection of nails

If you want to want to protect your nail in an easy and effective way, wearing nail polish will be the best solution. A common habit seen in every woman is peeling of the nail polish while cutting the edges of nails. Even if you do this, you must wear it once again after cutting your nails. Wear the nail paint of a good quality from a reputed brand so that your nails do not get discolored. Even from the harsh wind blows, your nails can be protected. As soon as the layer gets out, nail also gets dented.

Whenever you wash your hand keep applying any cream or lotions to your hand. The hands and nails tends to get dried out from soaps and cleansers. Always try to keep yours cuticles and hands lubricated with moisturizers such as Vaseline, moisturel… etc.. and at the bed time use oils or moistures to your nails.

To remove the stains under your nails scrub under the nails with the help of toothbrush or nail brush with soap or bleach solution.

The condition of finger nails also reflects the health condition of an individual. You can now speak to the trained health professionals and get the details. If you can have healthy nails those can be smooth without any ridges and marks. Even the color will be white. If you don’t have such nails in your hands and legs, this is the time to take care of it and get a shinny and beautiful nails. You can also carry on with the process of manicure once in a week in order to get a beautiful and well shaped nails for a long time.

How to have beautiful nails

Hands and nails are more parts to do the most work. We constantly have to move - even when you're sitting still, plus these chemicals makes your nails worse quickly. Whether or not they can negatively impact your appearance.
Thankfully, you do not need an appointment for a weekly manicure or even a new nail polish called them the best care. All you have to do is spend a few minutes to read these dos and don'ts during manicures, remember and apply them with your fingernail Light:

1. Cut your nails straight cuts with "Always cut your nails with a straight cut,"

 said Robyn Gmyrek, nail care professionals of America said. Because when you cut your nails on a curve or sharp angle will weaken the nail structure, which makes it prone to breaking and splitting. You should also cut fingernails, toenails after bathing. Since this time, the nail will be softer and less likely to fracture, scratches or other damage.

2. Do not cut cuticles around your nails cut cuticle around nails

nail can make the nails look neat in a few days, but the skin does not grow back on a regular basis and will Early phenomena appear redness, scratch shoots checkered makes the skin around the nail is damaged. Besides, cutting the cuticle can pave the way for a number of infections and makes the epidermis of your skin looks unsightly and even painful. A better solution if you want to remove the excess cuticle around fingers or toes: soak your fingers in warm water and gently push the cuticles excess off your hands with a soft towel.

3. Do not wash or cut the nails too fast

Overzealous wash or cut makes nails look as if they gnaw. You can keep your nails short, but still needs a little foundation on top. With this length, we will not interfere in the daily activities and do not affect your skin or hair, but your nails will look more beautiful.

4. Is your nail polish should be noted You do not tolerate drying time of nail polish to obtain a shiny nails. Instead, you can use a cotton wash presses. Firstly, it will gently smoothes rough nail areas. Then polished until you see nails, her toenails had the ball up. You should only nail polish once a week, because the polishing can thin your nails. This is not good

5. Do not use regular lotion This advice may sound paradoxical, but some mild lotions that contain alcohol, which can dry out the nail and cuticle around nails, making them look ragged and smudgy. You should take care of oil to cuticles because oil will make nail plump and wrinkled skin around it. Apply oil to your nails in the morning and in the evening before bedtime. Massage it gently to have the most beautiful nails.

6. You should wear gloves when doing housework hygiene Detergents and chemicals can make nails brittle and dry. The nails soaked for too much can also cause nails soft and prone to fracture or break. Wear gloves when doing housework not only protects the nails, but also helps to keep your hands from being damaged by harsh chemicals.

7. Do not polish your nails immediately after use acetone

If you paint your nails to attend a special occasion dinner, and then, remove it with acetone nail polish once started peeling. You should not nail polish immediately after use acetone for nail is weak at the moment. Doing so can eliminate the natural shade of nail surface. Let the next day with your nail polish ..

How to Do Paint Splatter Nails

Every painting tells its own unique story. Show off your artistic skills with a paint splatter nail design.

Apply a clear base coat. Apply a clear coat on clean fingernails and allow to dry.

Apply the first coat of matte white nail varnish. Allow it to dry and then apply a second layer.
Apply the paint splatter. Place blobs of the varnish on paper towels. Dip one end of your straw in a color and blow down the opposite end of the straw on to the nail.
Clean any excess nail polish. Use nail varnish remover on any skin that has nail polish on it from the splatter.

Apply a top coat. Apply a clear coat on the finished product and allow to dry.

Fingernails and What They Say about our Health

Nail HealthTake a careful look at your fingernails.

 Do your nails look strong and healthy or are there ridges or dents? Note if there are any unusual colors or shapes. Case in point, you may not understand that pneumonia can bring about your fingernails to turn green, blue, dark or yellow. You might likewise see these hues as a manifestation for emphysema or hypothyroidism. With that aside, there are different reasons we ought to nurture our fingernails. They may be presenting privileged insights to your wellbeing that you may not have any desire to disregard.

Brittle nails, for instance, may be an early sign of advanced aging. 

Or, oftentimes it can be because we’re not taking care of our bodies in the right way. I remember when I got back from my detox in Thailand last year, my nails were much healthier and looking vibrant. While after just a few months of toiling at work and living an unhealthy lifestyle, my nails were no longer in such good condition.
None of us need to consider getting more established particularly when we are youthful and in the indispensable years of our life. It is going to happen, nonetheless, and we have to pay consideration on it. Fragile nails could likewise be an indication of a nail trim gone awful or excessively brutal of utilization with acrylic nails. For this situation, show the excellence salon an a bit of mercy. Let your genuine nails develop out, while issuing them an opportunity to wind up solid and sound.

Another warning sign your nails give you are dark, vertical bands. 

These solid lines run from top to bottom of the nail. It is possible these lines could be darker at the base of the nail. This is often a valid sign of malignant melanoma, which is a deadly skin cancer. It is something that should be taken seriously if you spot it.
Similarly, some people experience deep lines that run horizontal across the nails. These may often be the result of trauma, such as slamming your hand in a door. They may be more serious, however, and be a symptom of diabetes. Whatever the case, do not let these go and get in the doctor. Right now. They could be a symptom of circulatory diseases, pneumonia or the mumps.

Nail HealthAlso, beware of blue nails. This could mean a major health crisis that needs immediate attention. In most cases, it is a result of an oxygen-related problem such as asthma, COPD, emphysema or pneumonia. Blue nails can likewise be a pointer that there is some kind of problem with your heart. By and large, if the nails are blue, then the restorative condition is serious. Get to a healing center when you would; it be able to could actually spare your life. Truly, don't mess around.
We have all heard of pale skin, but pale nails speak volumes. If you have pale nails, take note. It could mean you are at risk of anemia, which means you have a low red blood cell count. In addition, your doctor may find that your iron levels are low due to inadequate oxygen in the blood. In order to get more iron, plan to eat more fruits and vegetables. More seriously, pale nails could be a symptom of liver disease or early diabetes. Take this symptom seriously and you may be on the track to a clean bill of health.

Fingernails are there for more than looking pretty. They may be considered a medical history of our body, and we need to pay attention. We often do not think of looking at our hands to see if we are at risk for cancer or diabetes, but maybe we should give it consideration. It is not a diagnosis, but rather a concern that should be talked over with doctors. They are the ones, after all, that can cure the illness of your worries. So, let your fingernails be the tattle tails, and take charge of your health. You will never look back; and you will live so much better.

Does nail biting cause any long-term nail damage?

Although unsanitary, nail biting isn't likely to cause long-term nail damage.

Nails are formed within the nail bed — just beneath where the U-shaped cuticles begin. As long as the nail bed remains intact, nail gnawing isn't prone to meddle with fingernail development. Truth be told, some examination recommends that nail gnawing may even advance speedier nail development.

Nail biting isn't without risks, however. For example, nail biting can:

·         Damage the skin around the nail, increasing the risk of infection
·         Increase the risk of colds and other infections by encouraging the spread of germs from your fingers to your mouth
·         Harm your teeth
If you're concerned about nail biting, consult your doctor or a mental health provider. To stop nail biting, he or she might suggest:

·         Avoiding factors that trigger nail biting, such as overstimulation
·         Using healthy ways, such as physical activity, to manage stress and anxiety
·         Keeping your nails neatly trimmed or manicured
  • Occupying your hands or mouth with alternate activities, for example, playing a musical instrument or mulling over gum
  • In some cases, treatment with behavior therapy might be needed.

Care for your feet after a long day

A dry cracked heels are not only losing the aesthetic, but also reduces the confidence of the girls in everyday life, so always have to always interested in your mini heels, here are some how to keep the heels sen always rosy, soft and healthy that henna want to share:

Often the girls ignored his heel area until it generates conversation. Symptoms of dry skin is skin heel cracks appear as pins fields can lead to bleeding very unpleasant, inconvenient for daily life. To get a soft pink heels also need proper care, and frequently, the new effective as expected. some care heel as follows
Soak feet regularly with warm water, using a sponge or stone bath to stay heel, this method will make your skin eliminating the dead cells, you will have a softer skin.

Use a moisturizer suitable for your skin to nourish skin leg had been under pressure from body weight. Used regularly, it can help increase skin elasticity, not easily cracked.

You can also go to the nail salon to care for nails and surrounding skin, using special methods can easily remove dead cells, in addition to experts will also achievements Education give you the moisturizer best fits your skin.
Fractured leg problems would be solved if your appearance is always communicating shoes, but the shoes also make your legs thicker skin, more prone to cracking, you should not go to a shoe, please travel patterns helps you find comfortable shoes instead of order or too wide too.

The best time to moisturize is after a shower heel, while dead cells that have been washed off, is at best a foot skin can absorb nutrients. especially you have a bath with chlorinated water because chlorine is a cause of dry and chapped skin.

Can I harm my natural nails by wearing acrylic nails?

Acrylic nails aren't likely to harm your natural nails but can sometimes cause problems, such as an infection.

If an acrylic nail is damaged or as your natural nails grow, a gap can develop between the acrylic nail and your natural nail. This gap provides a moist, warm environment in which a nail infection can flourish. A nail contamination may additionally happen if acrylic nails are too long or unbending, or the nails are connected with unsanitary devices. It's additionally conceivable to have a hypersensitive response to segments of acrylic nails or their glues. Indications of a nail disease incorporate redness, swelling and discharge.
If you choose to have acrylic nails applied in a salon, take steps to minimize the risks:
·         Stick to salons that display a current state license, and work only with technicians also licensed by the state board.
·         Make sure your nail technician properly sterilizes all tools used during your treatment and washes his or her hands between customers.
·         Request a new nail file — or consider bringing your own — since nail files can't be sterilized.

  Return to the salon every two to three weeks for maintenance.

If you apply acrylic nails at home, follow the safety precautions printed on the package. Work in a well-ventilated area, and protect the skin around your nails from the chemicals used during the application process.

Consider evacuating your acrylic nails and letting your regular nails inhale each a few months. In the event that you think a nail disease, counsel a dermatologist for an assessment.

How To Make Your Nails Stronger After Gels & Acrylics

How to make your nails stronger after gels and acrylics is our  topic of the day. 

Long a topic of many bloggers and magazines, there are many myths surrounding the topic. Not only will we touch on what works, but later in another post we will touch on the myths of growing nails.

What began this blog entry was a great, wonderful more established lady came into the spa yesterday. She needed her gel nails done. Fortunate for her we could fit her in on a Saturday evening. 
To make the day even more interesting, 1 hour later, another client came in. She had her nails done in Ohio because she was on a business trip. They told her it was gel. It was gel alright, acrylic gel. Another 1 hour of removal and trying to nourish the nail plate.


On the off chance that you don't see a container that is molded like the, discover another nail spa or salon. Presently how to make your nails more grounded tackles an entire new significance. How would we settle these nail calamities? The gel and acrylics have mollified the nail plate. The drill has brought on edges and vertical parts. The entire procedure has brought about the nails to thin. What attempts to repair this harm?

How to Experiment With Nail Polish Colors

Do you have a weird personality? 

Good! Now you can show it on your nails!

Find as many colors as you want to put on your nails.

 You can choose bright colors, dark colors, or even colors that don't even match with each other!

Pick a nail to put it on one hand. Make a point to utilize every one of the hues.

Shading the base of the nail of your forefinger (on your left hand, for instance), then put another shading on the top. On the inverse hand, switch the hues (what was on top, put on the base). Do likewise with your thumb, pinky, and so forth.

Have a go at shading every nail with 2 or 3 hues. Simply paint a stripe in every shading.

Have a go at rotating hues. One finger pink, the following dark, and so on.

How to Do Bow Nail Art

Bows are one of the most popular icons in fashion
they adorn hair accessories, shoes, clothing, belts, bags and more. So, it's not really surprising that they can also look completely fabulous when painted on your nails. Get ready for adorning your nails with some cute bows.
Paint red polish halfway down your clean nails.
 Allow the nails to dry before proceeding to the next step.

Paint a ribbon bow shape at the base of the red polish on each nail. Use white acrylic paint. It's basically two triangle shapes side-by-side, joined at their pointy ends, and hiding the join under a circle.

Outline the bow. Use black acrylic paint to infill the detail that will bring the bow to life. Take it slowly and carefully, and use fine strokes to help make the ribbon look real.

Paint around the white bow to create a black edge.
Paint around the edges of the white circle (in the middle of each bow).
Paint "crease" lines on each bow (see the image). These lines give the final effect of a real bow.

Apply a top coat on each nail. Once the bows have completely dried, preserve the artwork with a top coat. Allow to dry completely before doing anything with your hands.

How to Do an Italian Manicure

Method 1 of 2: Traditional Method

  1.   Get some dark red nail polish.

  1.     Paint a stripe of the nail polish down the middle of your fingernail. Leave whatever remains of the nail the way it is.
Repeat with the other fingernails.
  1.  Let them dry for at least 15 minutes.
  2. Method 2 of 2: Modern Method
  3. Paint all nails with one strong dull shading.
  4. Use a metallic or gleaming form of the same shading to paint a stripe directly down the center of your nail 
  5. Let 'em dry!

Your Nail Says It All

In the world of fashion, dresses and outfits of stunning celebrities and Hollywood stars are the ones that are usually featured in magazines when they show off during the red carpet premiers.

 But imagine a celebrity whose nails are very dirty, dry and lifeless, wouldn’t that be a disaster for the whole look? That celebrity may be wearing the most expensive attire from a world renowned designer but with its nail it wouldn’t give a much more attitude.
Our nails may be one of the little parts of our body however dealing with it is likewise vital generally as dealing with our skin and different parts of our body. A very much trimmed and cleaned nail can likewise characterize what sort of individual you are. Your nail says it all. Yet, wouldn't it be more fun and agreeable simply taking a gander at your nails? Seeing it not just simply clean and trimmed, it with be additionally energizing and more appealing to paint it and do some nail expressions!

Nail arts may be considered a fashion. It’s not only the dresses from famous fashion designers are trending nowadays but also nail arts. A simple nail color can already give life to those boring nails. A nail gives a person an attitude, it also define beauty and glamour. From simple velvet red nail polish that gives an attitude of sexy and fierce to a nude color nail polish gives an attitude of balance. They define of what look you are into.

There are several designs that you could enjoy in and you can do it yourself. The materials you need may not need to be expensive and other tools may not be necessary for you to have. For as long as you are wild with your imagination then you definitely will create a design that will define who you want to be. An essential thing that you should have in making your own nail art is a base coat, which helps prevent nail discoloration and allows your nail polish to glide on smoothly. Nail polish, it would be much better if you have a number of colors so as you could mix and match later on as your creativity starts. And lastly, a top coat this will ensure that your manicure will lasts for more than a day and also gives a finishing touch on your nail art. Investing in much more expensive nail polish is worth it because they last longer than the cheap ones.
Other tools that are needed are nail dotters but if you don’t have one you can use a hair pin. Nail stripper which has thinner brushes compared to the usual broad brush. With the use of nail stripper you could create lines or stripes. Stationary tapes are also essential in do it yourself Nail Art. With the use of stationary tapes they help you achieve geometric shapes. A nail art brush may be optional. Beads and crystals can add glamour to the look that you want to achieve.
With these tools you can create a look that is exciting and fun to do. For sure you’ll love doing it. Just use your wildest imagination and you can create a nail art that is unique and a nail art that you would be proud of. Don’t be afraid to mix and match colors and with its outcome you would never know, you may end up as a famous nail art designer. Be bold, imaginative and unique!

How Do You Get the Sweet Lovely Nails Design Hey!

Looking for a bit of warmth in late winter spring? 

Hope designs sweet lovely nail design will give you dreamed of ice cream and warmer weather. The step guide below will show you simple and easy to get nail designs colorful design! Use several colors: white, bright pink, red, lemon yellow, orange

Step 1-skip base gel! 

Start, covered two white layers for 4 fingers, finger nails left you covered with two layers of pink. To dry your nails.

Step 2-dry after using instruments to create the polka dot short paragraph sprinkled shook. 

Take each color one, dip into the paint tool and create a short move (see figure). Be careful not to just put dots instruments on your nails that must drag it to create a short, thin, sprinkled shook.
Step 3-continue until you have 2-3 short shake sprinkle each color on each nail you.

Step 4-to dry completely and then cover the top layer of gel on the nail to keep the nail durable surface about 14 days and shiny nails. Done, brag nails nail design "shook sprinkle showers" of yourselves!

Fingernail care: Do's and don'ts

To keep your fingernails looking their best:

Keep fingernails dry and clean. 

  • This prevents bacteria from growing under your fingernails. Repeated or prolonged contact with water can contribute tosplit fingernails. Wear cotton-lined elastic gloves when washing dishes, cleaning or utilizing unforgiving chemicals.

  • Practice good nail hygiene.

  • Wear cotton-lined elastic gloves when washing dishes, cleaning or utilizing unforgiving chemicals.Use moisturizer. When you use hand lotion, rub the lotion into your fingernails and cuticles, too.

·         Apply a protective layer.

 Applying a nail hardener might help strengthen nails.

·         Ask your doctor about biotin. Some research suggests that the nutritional supplement biotin might help strengthen weak or brittle fingernails.